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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Route 211 Owner LLC will perform a flag test at the proposed warehouse facility located at the intersection of Union Street (RT-211) and Chandler Road.

The flags will be hung on March 7, 2023 and remain throughout the week. 

The purpose of the flag test is to establish the height of the proposed buildings and mark other 'limit of disturbance’ areas.  The applicants' engineers will establish the locations of each corner for all buildings and hang flags to depict the actual height of the buildings.  The heights will be documented and verified to be generally accurate.  Once the data is verified, the applicant will take new photographs at each of the existing viewshed locations so that they can provide a comparison study of photo-simulation that was presented to the Planning Board. Please note that the purpose of the test is to determine the impact to the viewshed to the surrounding area and the fact that the test is being conducted does not give any member of the public the right to enter onto the property.